Sunday 24 June 2012


                                   Captain Bilal Zafar Shaheed

"Think of those who r slain in Allah way as dead. Nay they live,finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord;They rejoice int the bounty provided by Allah.And with regard to those left behind,who have not yet joined them (cause to )grieve ." Al Quran.(3:169-170)

                       Captain Bilal Zafar, a commando of pakistan army SSG embraced martyrdom on 17th of May 2009,fighting terrorists and milltants in the embatteled valley of Swat.

He always used to say "bullets cant harm me",and does it proved true.He was hit on the arm by a bullet but he carried on until he hit by an RPG where he embraced martyrdom on spot.

    His last message has been circulated widely on print and electronic media.

This is what he had to say:

"in the valley of fire .......In the thunder of bombs there r a few who just dont stop....... knowing that they r sorrunded by death.......Knowing that they could leave their wives widows and children orphens........But they just keep on moving because something is pumping in their hearts.......and flowing through their veins know as honour,devotion and motivation......dead over surrender.......that is why they say dead before disgrace.....PAKISTAN ARMY ZINDA BAD. "